Extending pulse2percept

pulse2percept is designed to allow for implants, models, and stimuli to be customized through class inheritance, a concept from object-oriented programming.


If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, have a look at this tutorial.

Creating your own implant

Objects in the implants module are organized into the following categories:

  • Electrodes are objects whose behavior is dictated by the Electrode base class.

    The base class provides:

    • the 3D coordinates of the center of the electrode.

    In addition, a custom electrode object must implement:

    • a method called electric_potential that returns the electric potential at a point (x, y, z).

    A small working example:

    class MyElectrode(Electrode):
        """Named electrode with electric potential 0 everywhere"""
        def __init__(self, x, y, z, name):
            # Note: If you don't plan on adding any new variables, you can
            # omit the constructor entirely. In that case, your object will
            # inherit the constructor of the base class.
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            self.name = name
        def electric_potential(self, x, y, z):
            return 0.0
  • Electrode arrays are collections of Electrode objects whose behavior is dictated by the ElectrodeArray base class.

    The base class provides:

    • electrodes: an ordered dictionary of electrode objects (meaning it will remember the order in which electrodes were added),
    • n_electrodes: a property returning the number of electrodes in the array.
    • add_electrode: a method to add a single electrode to the collection,
    • add_electrodes: a method to add a multiple electrodes to the collection at once,
    • a way to access a single electrode either by index or by name,
    • a way to iterate over all electrodes in the array.

    A small working example:

    class MyElectrodeArray(ElectrodeArray):
        """Array with a single disk electrode"""
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.electrodes = coll.OrderedDict()
            self.add_electrode(name, DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 100))

    See also

  • Prosthesis systems (“retinal implants”) are comprised of an ElectrodeArray object and (optionally) a Stimulus. Their behavior is dictated by the ProsthesisSystem base class.

    The base class provides:

    • ElectrodeArray: as described above,
    • Stimulus: as described above,
    • check_stim: a method that quality-checks the stimulus. By default this method does nothing, but its behavior might depend on the actual system, such as ArgusII or AlphaIMS,
    • eye: a string indicating whether the system is implanted in the left or right eye,
    • a means to access and iterate over electrodes in the array, as described above.

    A small working example:

    class MyFovealArgusII(ProsthesisSystem):
        """An Argus II implant centered over the fovea"""
        def __init__(self, stim=None):
            self.earray = ElectrodeGrid((6, 10), x=0, y=0, z=0, rot=0,
                                        r=100, spacing=525,
                                        names=('A', '1'))
            self.stim = stim

Creating your own stimulus

All stimuli described in the stimuli inherit their functionality from the Stimulus base class.

The base class provides:

  • data: A 2-D NumPy array, where the rows denote electrodes and the columns denote points in time,
  • shape: the shape of the data array,
  • compress: a method to compress the data container so that only nonredundant values are kept.
  • a means to compare two stimuli with the == or != operators

A small working example:

class MyMonophasicPulse(Stimulus):
    """A monophasic pulse applied to a single electrode"""

    def __init__(self, pulse_amp, pulse_dur, stim_dur, time_step):
        # Provide only the time steps at which the signal changes. All
        # other time steps will be interpolated:
            time = [0, pulse_dur, pulse_dur + time_step, stim_dur]
            data = [pulse_amp, pulse_amp, 0, 0]
            # Call the constructor of the base class:
            super().__init__(self, data, time=time)

Creating your own model

TODO after PR #96 is merged. API will change.