Preparing a New Release

Before the Release

  • Make sure the version number is set correctly in “pulse2percept/”. In specific, the __version__ variable should not contain a .dev0 substring.
  • Make sure the Release Notes in “doc/users/release_notes.rst” are up-to-date and complete.

Uploading the Release to PyPI

pulse2percept wheels are built using GitHub Actions.


Before uploading the wheels to PyPI, make sure they work! You don’t have to try all the wheels, but common problems are with Cython (and OpenMP) on Windows vs Unix. You can install a wheel via pip install <name>.wheel

The following recipe will upload the files to TestPyPI:

cd pulse2percept

# Clear out your 'dist' folder.
rm -rf dist
# Make a source distribution
python sdist

# Go and download your wheel files from wherever you put them. e.g. your CI
# provider can be configured to store them for you. Put them all into the
# 'dist' folder.
wget ...

# Or for TestPyPI:
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

Install the package from TestPyPI and make sure it works. If everything looks good, upload the wheels to the real PyPI:

# Upload using 'twine' (you may need to 'pip install twine')
twine upload dist/*

Releasing the code on GitHub

  • Make a PR from master to stable, call it “Release X.Y”. Make sure to squash and merge, as every single commit on the stable branch should be a release.
  • Draft a new release on PR and tag it with “vX.Y”. Upload all the wheels you downloaded as artifacts from GitHub Actions above.

After the release

  • Bump the version number in “pulse2percept/”, add back the “.0dev” appendix, and add an entry for the next release in “doc/users/release_notes.rst”. Then commit to master.