
Thompson2003Model, Thompson2003Spatial [Thompson2003]


Thompson2003Model(**params) Scoreboard model of [Thompson2003] (standalone model)
Thompson2003Spatial(**params) Scoreboard model of [Thompson2003] (spatial module only)
class pulse2percept.models.thompson2003.Thompson2003Model(**params)[source]

Scoreboard model of [Thompson2003] (standalone model)

Implements the scoreboard model described in [Thompson2003], where all percepts are circular disks of a given size, and a fraction of electrodes may randomly drop out.


Use this class if you want a standalone model. Use Thompson2003Spatial if you want to combine the spatial model with a temporal model.

radius : double, optional
Disk radius describing phosphene size (microns). If None, disk diameter is chosen as the electrode-to-electrode spacing (works only for implants with a shape attribute) with a 5% gap.
dropout : int or float, optional
If an int, number of electrodes to randomly drop out every frame. If a float between 0 and 1, the fraction of electrodes to randomly drop out every frame.
xrange : (x_min, x_max), optional
A tuple indicating the range of x values to simulate (in degrees of visual angle). In a right eye, negative x values correspond to the temporal retina, and positive x values to the nasal retina. In a left eye, the opposite is true.
yrange : tuple, (y_min, y_max), optional
A tuple indicating the range of y values to simulate (in degrees of visual angle). Negative y values correspond to the superior retina, and positive y values to the inferior retina.
xystep : int, double, tuple, optional
Step size for the range of (x,y) values to simulate (in degrees of visual angle). For example, to create a grid with x values [0, 0.5, 1] use xrange=(0, 1) and xystep=0.5.
grid_type : {‘rectangular’, ‘hexagonal’}, optional
Whether to simulate points on a rectangular or hexagonal grid
retinotopy : VisualFieldMap, optional
An instance of a VisualFieldMap object that provides ret2dva and dva2ret methods. By default, Watson2014Map is used.
n_gray : int, optional
The number of gray levels to use. If an integer is given, k-means clustering is used to compress the color space of the percept into n_gray bins. If None, no compression is performed.


If you change important model parameters outside the constructor (e.g., by directly setting model.xrange = (-10, 10)), you will have to call model.build() again for your changes to take effect.


Build the model

Performs expensive one-time calculations, such as building the spatial grid used to predict a percept.

Parameters:build_params (additional parameters to set) – You can overwrite parameters that are listed in get_default_params. Trying to add new class attributes outside of that will cause a FreezeError. Example: model.build(param1=val)
find_threshold(implant, bright_th, amp_range=(0, 999), amp_tol=1, bright_tol=0.1, max_iter=100, t_percept=None)[source]

Find the threshold current for a certain stimulus

Estimates amp_th such that the output of model.predict_percept(stim(amp_th)) is approximately bright_th.

  • implant (ProsthesisSystem) – The implant and its stimulus to use. Stimulus amplitude will be up and down regulated until amp_th is found.
  • bright_th (float) – Model output (brightness) that’s considered “at threshold”.
  • amp_range ((amp_lo, amp_hi), optional) – Range of amplitudes to search (uA).
  • amp_tol (float, optional) – Search will stop if candidate range of amplitudes is within amp_tol
  • bright_tol (float, optional) – Search will stop if model brightness is within bright_tol of bright_th
  • max_iter (int, optional) – Search will stop after max_iter iterations
  • t_percept (float or list of floats, optional) – The time points at which to output a percept (ms). If None, implant.stim.time is used.

amp_th (float) – Threshold current (uA), estimated so that the output of model.predict_percept(stim(amp_th)) is within bright_tol of bright_th.


Returns True if the model has a spatial component


Returns True if the model has a temporal component


Returns True if the build model has been called

predict_percept(implant, t_percept=None)[source]

Predict a percept


You must call build before calling predict_percept.

  • implant (ProsthesisSystem) – A valid prosthesis system. A stimulus can be passed via stim.
  • t_percept (float or list of floats, optional) – The time points at which to output a percept (ms). If None, implant.stim.time is used.

percept (Percept) – A Percept object whose data container has dimensions Y x X x T. Will return None if implant.stim is None.


Set model parameters

This is a convenience function to set parameters that might be part of the spatial model, the temporal model, or both.

Alternatively, you can set the parameter directly, e.g. model.spatial.verbose = True.


If a parameter exists in both spatial and temporal models(e.g., verbose), both models will be updated.

Parameters:params (dict) – A dictionary of parameters to set.
class pulse2percept.models.thompson2003.Thompson2003Spatial(**params)[source]

Scoreboard model of [Thompson2003] (spatial module only)

Implements the scoreboard model described in [Thompson2003], where all percepts are circular disks of a given size, and a fraction of electrodes may randomly drop out.


Use this class if you want to combine the spatial model with a temporal model. Use Thompson2003Model if you want a a standalone model.

  • radius (double, optional) – Disk radius describing phosphene size (microns). If None, disk diameter is chosen as the electrode-to-electrode spacing (works only for implants with a shape attribute) with a 5% gap.
  • dropout (int or float, optional) – If an int, number of electrodes to randomly drop out every frame. If a float between 0 and 1, the fraction of electrodes to randomly drop out every frame.
  • xrange ((x_min, x_max), optional) – A tuple indicating the range of x values to simulate (in degrees of visual angle). In a right eye, negative x values correspond to the temporal retina, and positive x values to the nasal retina. In a left eye, the opposite is true.
  • yrange (tuple, (y_min, y_max), optional) – A tuple indicating the range of y values to simulate (in degrees of visual angle). Negative y values correspond to the superior retina, and positive y values to the inferior retina.
  • xystep (int, double, tuple, optional) – Step size for the range of (x,y) values to simulate (in degrees of visual angle). For example, to create a grid with x values [0, 0.5, 1] use xrange=(0, 1) and xystep=0.5.
  • grid_type ({'rectangular', 'hexagonal'}, optional) – Whether to simulate points on a rectangular or hexagonal grid
  • retinotopy (VisualFieldMap, optional) – An instance of a VisualFieldMap object that provides ret2dva and dva2ret methods. By default, Curcio1990Map is used.
  • n_gray (int, optional) – The number of gray levels to use. If an integer is given, k-means clustering is used to compress the color space of the percept into n_gray bins. If None, no compression is performed.
  • important :: (.) – If you change important model parameters outside the constructor (e.g., by directly setting model.xrange = (-10, 10)), you will have to call model.build() again for your changes to take effect.

Build the model

Performs expensive one-time calculations, such as building the spatial grid used to predict a percept. You must call build before calling predict_percept.


Don’t override this method if you are building your own model. Customize _build instead.

Parameters:build_params (additional parameters to set) – You can overwrite parameters that are listed in get_default_params. Trying to add new class attributes outside of that will cause a FreezeError. Example: model.build(param1=val)
find_threshold(implant, bright_th, amp_range=(0, 999), amp_tol=1, bright_tol=0.1, max_iter=100)[source]

Find the threshold current for a certain stimulus

Estimates amp_th such that the output of model.predict_percept(stim(amp_th)) is approximately bright_th.

  • implant (ProsthesisSystem) – The implant and its stimulus to use. Stimulus amplitude will be up and down regulated until amp_th is found.
  • bright_th (float) – Model output (brightness) that’s considered “at threshold”.
  • amp_range ((amp_lo, amp_hi), optional) – Range of amplitudes to search (uA).
  • amp_tol (float, optional) – Search will stop if candidate range of amplitudes is within amp_tol
  • bright_tol (float, optional) – Search will stop if model brightness is within bright_tol of bright_th
  • max_iter (int, optional) – Search will stop after max_iter iterations

amp_th (float) – Threshold current (uA), estimated so that the output of model.predict_percept(stim(amp_th)) is within bright_tol of bright_th.


Returns all settable parameters of the model


A flag indicating whether the model has been built

plot(use_dva=False, style='hull', autoscale=True, ax=None, figsize=None)[source]

Plot the model

  • use_dva (bool, optional) – Uses degrees of visual angle (dva) if True, else retinal coordinates (microns)
  • style ({'hull', 'scatter', 'cell'}, optional) –

    Grid plotting style:

    • ’hull’: Show the convex hull of the grid (that is, the outline of the smallest convex set that contains all grid points).
    • ’scatter’: Scatter plot all grid points
    • ’cell’: Show the outline of each grid cell as a polygon. Note that this can be costly for a high-resolution grid.
  • autoscale (bool, optional) – Whether to adjust the x,y limits of the plot to fit the implant
  • ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional) – A Matplotlib axes object. If None, will either use the current axes (if exists) or create a new Axes object.
  • figsize ((float, float), optional) – Desired (width, height) of the figure in inches

ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Returns the axis object of the plot

predict_percept(implant, t_percept=None)[source]

Predict the spatial response


Don’t override this method if you are creating your own model. Customize _predict_spatial instead.

  • implant (ProsthesisSystem) – A valid prosthesis system. A stimulus can be passed via stim.
  • t_percept (float or list of floats, optional) – The time points at which to output a percept (ms). If None, implant.stim.time is used.

percept (Percept) – A Percept object whose data container has dimensions Y x X x T. Will return None if implant.stim is None.


Set the parameters of this model