
plot_axon_map, plot_implant_on_axon_map


plot_axon_map([eye, loc_od, n_bundles, ax, …])

Deprecated since version 0.7.

plot_implant_on_axon_map(implant[, loc_od, …])

Deprecated since version 0.7.

pulse2percept.viz.axon_map.plot_axon_map(eye='RE', loc_od=(15.5, 1.5), n_bundles=100, ax=None, upside_down=False, annotate=False, xlim=None, ylim=None)[source]

Deprecated since version 0.7: Function plot_axon_map is deprecated since version 0.7, and will be removed in version 0.8.

Plot an axon map

This function generates an axon map for a left/right eye and a given optic disc location.

eye : str
Either ‘LE’ for left eye or ‘RE’ for right eye
loc_od : (x_od, y_od), optional, default: (15.5, 1.5)
Location of the optic disc center (deg).
n_bundles : int, optional, default: 100
Number of nerve fiber bundles to plot.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional, default: None
A Matplotlib axes object. If None given, a new one will be created.
upside_down : bool, optional, default: False
Flag whether to plot the retina upside-down, such that the upper half of the plot corresponds to the upper visual field. In general, inferior retina == upper visual field (and superior == lower).
annotate : bool, optional, default: True
Flag whether to annotate the four retinal quadrants (inferior/superior x temporal/nasal).
xlim: (xmin, xmax), optional, default: (-5000, 5000)
Range of x coordinates to visualize. If None, the center 10 mm of the retina will be shown.
ylim: (ymin, ymax), optional, default: (-4000, 4000)
Range of y coordinates to visualize. If None, the center 8 mm of the retina will be shown.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Returns the axis object of the plot
pulse2percept.viz.axon_map.plot_implant_on_axon_map(implant, loc_od=(15.5, 1.5), n_bundles=100, ax=None, upside_down=False, annotate_implant=False, annotate_quadrants=True, xlim=None, ylim=None)[source]

Deprecated since version 0.7: Function plot_implant_on_axon_map is deprecated since version 0.7, and will be removed in version 0.8.

Plot an implant on top of the axon map

This function plots an electrode array on top of an axon map.

implant : p2p.implants.ProsthesisSystem
A ProsthesisSystem object. If a stimulus is given, stimulating electrodes will be highlighted in yellow.
loc_od : (x_od, y_od), optional, default: (15.5, 1.5)
Location of the optic disc center (deg).
n_bundles : int, optional, default: 100
Number of nerve fiber bundles to plot.
ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional, default: None
A Matplotlib axes object. If None given, a new one will be created.
upside_down : bool, optional, default: False
Flag whether to plot the retina upside-down, such that the upper half of the plot corresponds to the upper visual field. In general, inferior retina == upper visual field (and superior == lower).
annotate_implant : bool, optional, default: True
Flag whether to label electrodes in the implant.
annotate_quadrants : bool, optional, default: True
Flag whether to annotate the four retinal quadrants (inferior/superior x temporal/nasal).
xlim : (xmin, xmax), optional, default: None
Range of x values to plot. If None, the plot will be centered over the implant.
ylim : (ymin, ymax), optional, default: None
Range of y values to plot. If None, the plot will be centered over the implant.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Returns the axis object of the plot