


fetch_beyeler2019([subjects, electrodes, …]) Load the phosphene drawing dataset from [Beyeler2019]
pulse2percept.datasets.beyeler2019.fetch_beyeler2019(subjects=None, electrodes=None, data_path=None, shuffle=False, random_state=0, download_if_missing=True)[source]

Load the phosphene drawing dataset from [Beyeler2019]

Download the phosphene drawing dataset described in [Beyeler2019] from https://osf.io/28uqg (66MB) to data_path. By default, all datasets are stored in ‘~/pulse2percept_data/’, but a different path can be specified.

Retinal implants: Argus I, Argus II
Subjects: 4
Number of samples: 400
Number of features: 16

The dataset includes the following features:

subject Subject ID, S1-S4
electrode Electrode ID, A1-F10
image Phosphene drawing
img_shape x,y shape of the phosphene drawing
date Experiment date (YYYY/mm/dd)
stim_class Stimulus type used to stimulate the array
amp Pulse amplitude used (x Threshold)
freq Pulse frequency used (Hz)
pdur Pulse duration used (ms)
area Phosphene area (see [Beyeler2019] for details)
orientation Phosphene orientation (see [Beyeler2019])
eccentricity Phosphene elongation (see [Beyeler2019])
compactness Phosphene compactness (see [Beyeler2019])
x_center, y_center Phosphene center of mass (see [Beyeler2019])
xrange, yrange Screen size in deg (see [Beyeler2019])

New in version 0.6.

Changed in version 0.7: Redirected download to 66MB version of the dataset that includes the fields x_center and y_center.

  • subjects (str | list of strings | None, optional) – Select data from a subject or list of subjects. By default, all subjects are selected.
  • electrodes (str | list of strings | None, optional) – Select data from a single electrode or a list of electrodes. By default, all electrodes are selected.
  • data_path (string, optional) – Specify another download and cache folder for the dataset. By default all pulse2percept data is stored in ‘~/pulse2percept_data’ subfolders.
  • shuffle (boolean, optional) – If True, the rows of the DataFrame are shuffled.
  • random_state (int | numpy.random.RandomState | None, optional, default: 0) – Determines random number generation for dataset shuffling. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
  • download_if_missing (optional) – If False, raise an IOError if the data is not locally available instead of trying to download it from the source site.

data (pd.DataFrame) – The whole dataset is returned in a 400x16 Pandas DataFrame